Although it is true that we must thank and take care of our mothers every day, we have not wanted to miss this special date for all of them, where we recognize the unconditional love they give us and its importance in our lives. At the different levels of our institution, activities were carried out to honor them and spend time with each one of them, where emotional moments were lived with full of laughter.

First, by Father Miguel Bacigalupo, the mass was celebrated where they spoke of the love, affection and care that we must give to the women who gave us life, in this case unique words were offered to them, creating an atmosphere of fraternity between everyone.

In Pre–Kinder and Kindergarten they played, danced, laughed and were rewarded for their dedication. The mothers came with great joy and that special connection with their children was noted and they ended up happy sharing with them.

Elementary students, with much love and help from the teachers, created a unique environment to receive their mothers from the main entrance to each classroom, thus providing fun moments for them, there was a karaoke, dance and recitals which were a set of emotions for the attendees.

In Secondary each grade organized a pleasant morning, where they performed musical presentations, performances, games and dynamics so that the laughter and happiness that exists between a mother and her son can be heard. Each one was feted in a different but special way.  

Lastly, we also pay tribute to all the moms who work with us with a little sharing and thanks for being such an inspiration to everyone.

Happy Mother’s Day
