On May 13th and 14th, the Arequipa MUN Prescott was held, in which 13 of our delegates debated in different committees, discussing historical and current national and international issues.

Luego de dos días de arduo debate y negociaciones, nuestros estudiantes, de la mano de sus entrenadores, Alberto Varela, Eilin Noriega, Daniel Huapaya y Mar Gutiérrez, obtuvieron por segunda vez, en eventos realizados en Arequipa, el premio al Best Large Delegation (Mejor Delegación Grande).

After two days of arduous debate and negotiations, our students, led by their coaches, Alberto Varela, Eilin Noriega, Daniel Huapaya and Mar Gutiérrez, obtained for the second time, in events held in Arequipa, the award for Best Large Delegation (Best Large Delegation).

We sincerely acknowledge each of our students for their successful participation, always holding up the name of Carmelitas.

Thank you two-time champions for raising up the Carmelitas name!