In a Day of Reflection and Mass we meet as a Carmelite family to share about the experience of Saint Joseph, as father of Jesus and husband of our Mother Mary.

The Day of Reflection, directed by Father Floristan Guerrero and Father Miguel Bacigalupo, led us to deepen and value the characteristics that describe Saint Joseph from the reflection of Pope Francis in the Apostolic Letter Patris Corde.

Saint Joseph was an extraordinary man, his love for God, obedience and human qualities led him to accept with humility and responsibility the mission for which he was chosen: to be the father of Jesus and the husband of Mary. And as such, he loved, cared for, assisted, and protected them from the beginning to the end of his life.

Saint Joseph is recognized as a beloved father, a father in tenderness, a father in obedience, a father in welcome, a father in creative courage, a hardworking father and a father in the shadows. He is, for the Carmelite family, the example of obedience and helps us understand what it is like to “Live in the Gift of Jesus Christ”.

The day had as a fraternal end, the share the Holy Mass.


May Jesus accompany us in this beginning of the academic year, and may Saint Joseph be our example of obedience and love without measures.
